Sunday, May 12, 2013

Netflix Instant: Movie & TV Picks

This week we had the unfortunate news that legendary special effects artist, Ray Harryhausen passed away. In his honor, I wanted to recommend some of his movies available over streaming. However, that proved to be more difficult than expected. I'll be posting a memorial post later, but in the meanwhile, here are some amazing movies that just came on to Netflix Instant.

I'm sure if people have been around le movie blogs in the past year, they've heard of this movie. Believe the hype, kids. It's a great horror movie that also is a commentary on horror movies and the psychology behind wanting to watch movies about kids being stabbed. Oh, and it's hilarious.

This is a true horror movie in the sense of being a display on just how evil man can be. With the "One Last Job" premise, you know things aren't going to go the way of our protagonist. But where the movie starts and where it ends, is something so jarring and brutal, I couldn't help but love this movie.

Detroit as a city has always been fascinating to me. Not only has it been a huge source of amazing music, but seeing its place as a primarily as a blue collar city and the way it has been affected in this economy and this documentary does just that. Plus, the poster is crazy looking.

That's it for me this week. I hope you guys enjoy these picks. Before I go, I wanted to get some feedback about doing something similar to this column but in reference to Crackle, Hulu Plus or Vudu. If this is something you guys would like to see, let me know.

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